Gönderen Konu: UEFA Euro 2008 Patch for FIFA 07  (Okunma sayısı 1143 defa)

Çevrimdışı YuRY

  • 1. SINIF ÜYE
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  • Cinsiyet: Bay
    • MSN Messenger - Tr_YuRY@hotmail.com
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UEFA Euro 2008 Patch for FIFA 07
« : 22 Nisan 2007, 09:23:10 »
- Adds the National Teams of Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Moldova, Netherlands, San Marino & Slovakia
- Accurate kits, minis & banners for all teams
- Adds Stephane Henchoz, Murat Yakin, Emile Mpenza and Alexander Mostovoi to thier respective NTs
- Adds the UEFA Euro 2008 Tournament in Rest of World section of Tournament Mode, with Qualifiers & Finals.
- Official FA logos for all UEFA NTs
- Updates all Rosters for all UEFA NTs
- Commentary imported directly from WC 2006
- National Anthems for all UEFA NTs
- Adds the Samiyen and Allianz Arena Stadiums

1. Back up your zdatas #12, #13 & #16, (and if you have a zdata#40, back that up too!)
fifa.db and language.db's
2. Make sure you have both Sound Master 07 & Creation Master 07 by Rinaldo
3. Run the Installer and rebuild the fifa.fat via Creation Master.

Note: This patch only has updated English commentary and db files for the following languages:
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish

BACKUP YOUR FILES!!! Copy your original zdatas #12, #13 & #16 (and if you have a zdata#40, back that up too!), fifa.db and language.db's into a folder called "FIFA07.original".
This is just in case something does go wrong, or you want to uninstall this patch, you can restore your original files. Also when you do restore your files,
click on fatbhbuilder to completely restore the zdata files.

If you do not backup your files before you install this patch
then I am not responsible for any damage that this patch may cause to your FIFA07.

If You wish to have this file available for download on you site,
please send me an email @: [email protected], along with a link to your site.

Patch Concept/Author:


Samiyen - Kerim
Allianz Arena - Kerim


Materazzi - converted from UCL04/05 by dule
Mutu - converted from UCL04/05 by dule
Bialkevich - converted from UCL04/05 by dule
Delibasic - converted from UCL04/05 by dule


All logos made by Darko a.k.a. darxxx


Albania - Pezzamist
Andorra - Pezzamist
Armenia - timily
Azerbaijan - Pezzamist
Belarus - Klash
Bosnia - Curswine
Cyprus - August
Czech Rep - EA
Estonia - Pede
Faroe - Sundsvall
Georgia - dule
Iceland - Sundsvall
Israel - Pietro
Kazakhstan - August
Latvia - Fabien
Liechtenstein - Pede
Lithuania - Xisco
Luxembourg - CEP
Macedonia - Home - dule; Away - Sundsvall
Malta - Pede
Moldova - ViperBR
Montenegro - Pede
Netherlands - Xisco
Poland - EA
San Marino - CEP
Slovakia - August
Slovenia - EA
Switzerland - EA
Wales - EA


Albania - CEP
Andorra - dule
Armenia - CEP
Azerbaijan - dule
Belarus - dule
Bosnia - CEP
Cyprus - August
Czech Rep - EA
Estonia - CEP
Faroe - CEP
Georgia - dule
Iceland - CEP
Israel - CEP
Kazakhstan - August
Latvia - dule
Liechtenstein - dule
Lithuania - dule
Luxembourg - CEP
Macedonia - dule
Malta - dule
Moldova - dule
Montenegro - dule
Netherlands - Victor Marcao
Poland - EA
San Marino - CEP
Slovakia - August
Slovenia - EA
Switzerland - EA
Wales - EA

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
part 4

Alıntı:soccergaming forumları.

Çevrimdışı YuRY

  • 1. SINIF ÜYE
  • *****
  • İleti: 17.264
  • Puan 1606
  • Cinsiyet: Bay
    • MSN Messenger - Tr_YuRY@hotmail.com
    • Profili Görüntüle
UEFA Euro 2008 Patch for FIFA 07
« Yanıtla #1 : 22 Nisan 2007, 09:23:53 »
beyler çok iyi tavsiye ederim ;)

Çevrimdışı LeGeND-MæN

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UEFA Euro 2008 Patch for FIFA 07
« Yanıtla #2 : 27 Nisan 2007, 20:57:07 »
süpersin aga +rep benden sana
tarz yaratmak için Ağır Abi OLma!! Ağır Abi Dediğin Sevdimi Tam Sever Giydiğini herkez Beğenir, Saygısı Sonsuz Sevgisi Ebedi Olur..


Çevrimdışı -Qlv-

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UEFA Euro 2008 Patch for FIFA 07
« Yanıtla #3 : 28 Nisan 2007, 01:10:24 »
sen süper işler yapıon  ;)

Çevrimdışı YuRY

  • 1. SINIF ÜYE
  • *****
  • İleti: 17.264
  • Puan 1606
  • Cinsiyet: Bay
    • MSN Messenger - Tr_YuRY@hotmail.com
    • Profili Görüntüle
UEFA Euro 2008 Patch for FIFA 07
« Yanıtla #4 : 28 Nisan 2007, 18:45:57 »
sen süper işler yapıon  ;)
eyw. kardeşim

Çevrimdışı EkO

  • 3. SINIF UYE
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  • Puan 148
  • Cinsiyet: Bay
  • ReBeL JuSTiCe
    • MSN Messenger - eko317@hotmail.com
    • AOL Instant Messenger - E......k......O
    • Yahoo Instant Messenger  - ReBeL+JuSTiCe
    • Profili Görüntüle
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UEFA Euro 2008 Patch for FIFA 07
« Yanıtla #5 : 24 Haziran 2007, 17:15:09 »
eyw saolasın kardeşim